Yacht Racing Instrument Systems
The power of Expedition Navigation and Routing Software in the Palm of your Hand!
Now being used in over 24 countries!

Available at the iTunes App Store and Google Play.

iTunes Store        google        
 Ventus PRO iOS                 Ventus PRO Android           Ventus Navigator iOS

Expedition / Ventus Forum   http://expedition.boardhost.com/

There is a new forum on-line just for Expedition and Ventus users. We will be moderating the forum along with world class navigators including Will Oxley, Peter Isler, Wouter Verbraak, Campbell Field and Artie Means. Our goal is to help all navigators in the use of Expedition Software and Ventus Apps. Check it out and regiter now!

Pebble Watch support is now available for Android devices in the just released Version 1.11. <Click> here for Information and Instructions.

Here is the first input from our new Pebble Watch app for Ventus PRO.

"Harry, The Pebble app worked well except I found the charge was down on the watch and as I didn’t have the micro-usb adapter in the kit bag I couldn’t charge before race. This mean that it lasted about 1/3 of the race but it work well and enabled me to provide the helm with heading and target.It is so much more convenient to be able to look at a couple of numbers and not have to fiddle with turning the display on the phone."...

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Ventus Navigator and Navigator PRO give you the complete wireless handheld solution for Expedition Navigation Software. Take full advantage of all the power built into Expedition wirelessly from anywhere on the boat. If you currently use Expedition, clearly the most powerful navigation and routing program on the market, or are considering moving to it, this is the must have addition.

Ventus PRO is the complete solution; able to receive all the data Expedition puts out and send commands back to Expedition for key functions.

* Use the Expedition Timer with a 15, 10, 5, or 3 minute
     countdown/count up timer or a revolving 5 minutes timer.
* Set (ping) the ends of the Starting Line.
* Ping a new mark by inputting Range and Bearing and make a new
       active course, or insert it in the current active course
* Select the mark you want to make Active in the current
* Activate the MOB routine in Expedition from any page and
       instantly see a screen with the Location, Range, and
       Bearing back to the MOB Mark.
* Display Strip Charts both TWD and TWS.


* The original Ventus Navigator is the perfect solution for crew members or if
      you don't need the ability to send commands to Expedition.

* With Ventus Navigator you can display any of the data from your Expedition
      software anywhere you are, no need to buy and wire in more
      expensive displays.
* You can have specific data displayed to your tactician, helmsman, trimmers,
      or at the Nav Station. Keep track of performance while below deck,
      even in your bunk.

What our customers have to say:

"We have been using technology on the boat for the past couple of years – the challenge has always been that you need the navigator sitting downstairs to make good use of it! Ventus has allowed us to get the navigator up in the cockpit and part of the action. The ability to have constant visibility of all of the key metrics allows us to make smarter and quicker decisions about course and sail choice. Glad to have you as part of the team Ventus!
Bob Cox, Owner of "Nine Dragons" 1st Place Class B 2014 Audi IRC Australian Championship.

Fantastic in its functionality and simplicity, I insist on using it on all the boats I race on.
Campbell Field - Professional Navigator and Sailor

I just purchased another three iPod touches plus waterproof pouches for my German JV45 team, and we already purchased a PRO version. Also the tactician on Hanuman is taking this on for his British Soto 40 team, and another crew member is going to bring it to his Volvo Ocean Race team. Last week I sailed the Round Ireland Race on an Open 60 with an Irish team. The boat didn't have a deck screen, and with Ventus on deck we managed to nail the start making a clear jump on the fleet. In short, I am spreading the word for you and it is gaining momentum in Europe. I have multiple customers that are keen on having a light version of Expedition for the iPad, iPod, or Smart Phone...."
Wouter Verbraak -Professional Skipper and Navigator

I’m very excited to have Ventus Navigation, it is worth the money, it is one of the best investments in the past 5years!
Now that I have Ventus Navigation, I will assign one tactician with the responsibility to look at what’s happening on the water, look at the clouds and communicate possible wind shifts while the second tactician, looking at VENTUS, leads the boat performance and based on Target boat speed drives the communication with the team

Thierry Siraut - SAP Extreme Sailing Team

"Ventus Navigation helped with our Sydney to Hobart race win!!"
Dr. Darryl Hodgkinson - Owner of Sydney/Hobart winner "Victoire"

Thank you for your feedback with this. We do have 2 separate networks.
We installed Ventus Pro and it worked instantly, without issue.  We could still run one iPad with the VNC connection to the laptop on an ad-hoc network and Ventus software on multiple devices with our second wireless network.
Its an all carbon boat (Volvo 70) and we had no issues cross the entire boat.
It certainly proved useful and we will continue to use it in the future.  
Thanks again.

Peter Elkington" Navigator on Volvo 70 "Black Jack"

"Thanks for this.... Just downloaded Ventus PRO and it looks GREAT! Once again you have nailed it.
I will give it some race action in the coming weeks and report back.
Thanks again
Marc Lagesse"  America's Cup and TP 52 Navigator

"This application has opened access to navigation and tactical data to more members of the crew....My experience is that crew members are always keen for more information displayed on deck and that the requirements may vary between jobs. Volvo Navigator Will Oxley - From his article in Australian Sailing & Yachting

"Your app saved our bacon last week. Our 20/20s failed just before the long race at Hamilton island, but the WTP and tablet were still working so we bought a couple of copies on the way to the start."
Nick White - Volvo Navigator and author of Expedition Software

I'm a big fan of putting good navigation information in a package smaller than a tablet - not only is it easier for the navigator to carry around but it also makes specific data accessible to other members of the crew without having to rely on additional deck screens or fixed displays.
Simon Fisher - Diverse Yachts

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